Peak Monastery
For This Game:
For These Modes:
Map File Name:
Map Version:
Version History:

Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Duel, Showdown, Freezetag...
20180311 ( Work In Progress )
Peak Monastery Version History
Download: UTCC
The screenshots of the map
来历 the Backstory
The original Peak Monastery was so popular that the Liandri Corporation went out to find another one, but they couldn't find any, so they had to do the next best, to build one similar to the original, from scratch. It was done in 2305.
More Info
Supported Game Version:
Unreal Tournament 4 (Pre-Alpha Build, released in 28.06.2017)
Unreal Tournament 4 Unofficial Update (UT4UU)
* Epic has stopped the development of the game, removed it from the store and shut down the server.
* If you own it previously then you can still download it and play it locally, but you can't sign in to your game account.
* UT4UU is a standalone version of the game with some improvements by timiimit for the community.
* Check:
Supported Community Gamemodes:
Absolute Elimination, Domination, XDomination, Classic Domination, Freeze Tag
Installation on PC (Windows)
1) Copy the map file to:
2) Make sure there is no old versions of this map in that folder. Otherwise you might see material/texture problems when play the map. This is due to Unreal Engine 4 can't handle the caches for the assets which have old versions of the same names. And because the assets are packed into the map file, the old versions of the same map can cause this issue.
Check the video to see the map in game